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On our online shop, we do not do profiling, especially for private users. If you are a private user, you can purchase directly. You don't have to register. Only business users need to register. The data is required only for the sale and logistics linked solely to the order.
If you are a Business user, therefore Company, Reseller, Team, in order to purchase you must register and provide the necessary data both for completing the sale and logistics and for verifying the actual existence of the activities and on the correctness of the data, especially tax data.
If you cannot access the online shop or you are not registered (if you are private you MUST NOT register) or your user has been removed because you have not logged in or purchased for some time (Business User), or you are entering the wrong credentials. in the case of wrong credentials, you can solve the problem using the appropriate procedure. If it is possible that it falls into the first two cases, make a new registration.
visit the SC-Project Online Shop